Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bath Time For Tilly

"I hate this," Tilly says.

Logan helped me give Tilly a bath today. Tilly is our retired grayhound; I got her from a rescue organization when we lived in Virginia. She's the best-behaved dog I've ever been around except when it comes to food.

She'll take anything from anyone and is really quick about it. She once jerked a whole roast off the counter at my dad's house and was making a dash with it in her mouth when we caught her.

We ate it anyway.


The Houser's said...

Oh my gosh, I just got a National Lampoons flashback with the dog tied to the back of the van:) love it though.. Are you ready for Disney?? Have a wonderful trip you guys!

Carie said...

I was just wondering if you ate the roast after the dog had it in her mouth.