Sunday, November 30, 2008

a give-away!

Edited to add: Oh my goodness gracious...I've been plowing through the master list of giveaways and am googly eyed after spending HOURS trying to enter everyone's contests. If I have to complete another word verification tonight, I'll tear my hair out by the roots.

I'm convinced it can't be done in a day, so I'm extending this until nighty-night time tomorrow...9-ish or so.

Meanwhile, keep the stories coming. Heidi, oh my gosh...cigs from Grandma? And Julianne, I feel your husband's done the same thing before (and let me tell you, he paid DEARLY. He's still paying, in fact).

Good luck, everyone!

One of my favorite blogs, Sew, Mama, Sew!, has organized a give-away day today. You can read about it here, but the idea is that everyone who participates gives away a homemade item to a blog reader.

There's a master list over there of participants, and if you've found me, I'm assuming they got my email.

So, welcome! Make yourself at home and please don't mind the dog fur on the sofa.

My contribution to the give-aways is this makeup bag that I whipped up over the weekend.

It's made from Amy Butler fabric and has a contrasting lining and zipper. I've made several of these in the past few weeks as Christmas gifts.

Here's how to enter.

Leave a comment by midnight CST describing the worst Christmas gift you ever received. Was it a homemade makeup bag, perhaps?

Mine, hands-down, was the industrial-sized box of Top Ramen my dad gave me when I was in college. I thought the enormous package under the tree had to contain something wonderful - a computer, perhaps, or at least a case of beer.

Fifteen years later, I still can't walk past Top Ramen in the grocery store without a slight twinge of repulsion.

Now, it's your turn to share your story. I'll randomly select a winner THURSDAY NIGHT, post the results and notify the winner. Your makeup bag will be in the mail Friday.

Unless, of course, you live nearby. If so, I'll drop it off at your house along with a kid and an animal or two.

United States entries only, please; with Christmas breathing down her neck, Mama doesn't have the coin to ship internationally. Good luck!


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The Giveaway Diva said...

oh wow how cute! i'd love that!!

malin said...

Wow! That is one pretty bag! Love the fabric, too!

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trinity said...

Well, my worst gift would have to be a sweatshirt with BRAT written on it, when I was about 12. Yep, brat. And then the extended family reversed it to TARB and called me that for the next 5 or so years. Such fun.

Oh, and if I win this I'll have you ship it to my mom in the States. Then I can steal it from her as payback for that dang sweatshirt. ;)

Thanks, and Happy Holidays!

teaginny said...

Very cute bag! My worst gift was a dress when I was 13. It was lavender with white trim and lots of bows. It looked like it would have been cute on a 3 year old, but for a teen?!

miss said...

that is such an adorable bag!
hmmm worst gift... a big, chunky wool sweater that was so itchy and smelled like hay! yet, i had to wear it around the gift giver to not seem ungracious. just thinking of it makes me tense.

happy holidays!

momof3girls said...

I love the fabric!
My worst gift had to be some plastic fish plates. What was my mother in law thinking???
Merry Christmas!

kristie said...

cute cute bag! my worst gift: anything my MIL has ever given me, lol. but hands down it would be the year i asked for a mandolin (the vegetable slicing kind, not a musical instrument) and she only gave me a PART of it (the pusher) - totally useless!! thanks for entering my giveawy too!

Gigi said...

Love the makeup bag. The worse Christmas present I received was a brass lantern from my then husband. A year later it became even worse when I discovered a vendor had given him the lanter. Just one of the reasons he's my ex-huband.

Amanda said...

New visitor here! Thanks for the chance to win! My worst gift was the trip to the ER I got after opening a gift that had broken glass stuck to the tape.

Ashley said...

LOVE Amy Butler!

vlijtig said...

I would love to win that! My worst christmaspresent was an angel made by a good friend. It took her a lot of effort to make it and I didn't like it at all. So it give a bad feeling in two ways.

Belltree Family said...

I once got a broken plate. Yep. broken. The glue was included, so I could fix it...

I'd much rather have gotten a cute makeup bag ;)

valerieann118 said...

That's such a cute bag! Oh a few years ago my husband got me a paper shredder for Christmas. Who wants that for Christmas!!!! valerieann118atmsndotcom

Susan said...

The worst Christmas present I ever recieved was from my to fix the toilet! Yes, we're still married, but he's never been able to live that "present" down and actually it comes in quite handy when he asks me what I would like for Christmas!

Stephanie B said...

I got training bras in my stocking when i was young. It was mortifing. I don't know what my mom was thinking!

Jerri said...

Cute bag! I don't have the worst gift here, but I did once exchange gifts with a mom friend for our babies. (Her idea) I picked out a cute educational toy, and in return we got a regifted gift bag with a re-re-gifted toy inside. There was a tag on the stuffed animal that had some other child's name on it- not even her own kid's name.

Ashley said...

Great fabrics - love the combo, and I'm in need of a new bag! My worst gift... a really furry car steering wheel cover from my grandmother!

Leigh said...

The worst gift ever was sometime around age 10 - I REALLY REALLY wanted a bike. That's was it. I walked out on Christmas day and THOUGHT I saw handlebars, but it was really a baton. Yup - that was my big gift of the year.

Cute bag, BTW!

Jeni said...

hm... worst gift. i was 10 years old and had been playing violin quite enthusiastically for 2 years and everyone, EVERYone thought i would like a nice glass/ceramic/porcelein knick knack of an angel playing the violin! i received 6 of them that year and was so disappointed! ugh. i hate knick knacks to this day!

Anya said...

Love the Amy Butler bag. I'm afraid all my presents have been great because they have come from someone who cared about me. Corny, I know, but true.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Cathy said...

My worst gift was last year, when all the gifts my parents got me reeked of cigarette smoke. I had to throw everything out.

Jeannine said...

The worst one I can think of was a shirt from my grandparents for my (then) year and a half old SON. It was blue, but it was frilly. It was bought in such a hurry that they didn't realize is was a girls shirt AND it smelled of smoke.

They forgot they had a great-grandSON.

Eema-le said...

I love that bag. The worst gift I ever got was a seriously heinous sweater, sans gift receipt.

Anonymous said...

Ok..that Ramen story is too funny.
Now whenever I pass it in the store I will think of you!
I remember when I was 14 getting a square basket with a fluffy satin lid on was really random and wasn't very well made. Plus the satin fabric was covered in fake flowers. I don't wasn't my thing.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous bag!

Maybe it wasn't necessarily an awful present, but definitely a memorable one -- in high school, my dad gave me a hubcap for my car (it'd lost one). That was a surprise to unwrap, for sure.

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous! I'd love a chance to win!

I'd say clothes by older relatives with no sense of my style would be the worst...though I can't think of anything in particular at the moment...selective memory must've kicked in!

craftytammie said...

My worst gift was a complete bathroom ensemble with cats on it. Like, embroidered cat eyes, nose and mouth on the towel, and a cat shaped toilet brush holder. I mean, I like cats, but not that much, you know? Really cute bag, hope I win!

affectioknit2 said...

That bag is adorable! I am a vegan and I was once at an office party where you all bring a gift and people trade up as gifts are opened - I wound up with a fake rubber (dead) chicken - ugh!

Jennifer said...

The worst Christmas present I ever received was from my in-laws. I had given birth to my oldest two months before Christmas (he was premature) and I had gained A LOT of weight due to being on bedrest and eating way too much, but I digress. That Christmas I was very overweight, yet happy. My son was healthy and home and all was well. I opened my first gift from my MIL and it was a VHS tape of Richard Simmons, ” Sweatin To the Oldies”. I was so upset. 16 years later I still recall that moment.

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Holly said...

that is too cute!

My worst ever present was a crimping iron...the third year in a row. From the same great aunt. Is now the time to mention that I have naturally curly hair?

EightPP said...

My grandmother visited from Germany one year and gave me 2 cartons of cigarettes for christmas...and I don't even smoke!! I was disappointed, but it's the thought, right?

Blondie said...

How cute! My worst gift was a weather vane thing- it points N S E W... it's made out of copper, is ENORMOUS, and UGLY. My MIL gave it to us, so we could mount it on top of our house (!!!!!), but 3 years later it is still sitting in my basement.

Just Lovely said...

That is so cute!

Shaina said...

My dad knows i love reeses, so he bought me a big box. ONly, when it came to christmas morning, he told me he bought it for me, but that he couldn't find it in the house. So the worst thing was knowing that I had this huge box of reeses just out of my reach. It was terrible!! (side note, he found it about 10 year later. They were too outdated to eat. bummer)

kira said...

Love the bag, it's so bright and happy! Perfect! please enter me and thanks for offering something so cute! :)

Elizabeth Moon said...

Oh that is so pretty! Love pink and green. My worst Christmas gift? Similar to yours...Probably the time my parents gave me several Costco size boxes of canned goods...chicken, tomatoes, and tuna. Yeah. FUN.

(okay okay it was at least useful and of course I am grateful :) )

B said...

I have to say the worst gift I ever got was something that was meant to be for my sister. I thought my mom just did an oopies on the tag and that my sis had one for me, but no, that wasn't the case. So the worst present ever was the one I didn't get, but my sister did! That seriously sucked as a kid.

acmcs said...

my aunt always sends us horrible, new, unreturnable, clothes. thanks for the giveaway opp! I love that fabric--I think it looks like brains.

Angela Yosten said...

Very pretty... I think the worst gift I have ever received was a tool kit for my car, which sat in my car and was never used.

Jingle said...

Hmmm...that would probably be the totally random "finger towels" with Christmas applique designs straight from the JC Penney sale rack that I got last year! Ugh! Well, the thought was kind and that's enough!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Boat Bird said...

Worst Christmas present? A set of highly scented toiletries that had been used- urgh!!!! I couldn't stand the smell of them and can't use them anyways!!!

Deb said...

I won't say who it was from, and hopefully they won't read this and connect the dots, but that homemade fruitcake last year.... need I say more? Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway!!!

Jennifer Wilson said...

Lovely. My worst gift was last year from my sister in law - the ugliest candle holder thingy ever!

Karen said...

The worst Christmas gift...before we were married, my hubby gave me a HIDEOUS YELLOW SKI JACKET W/RED AND BLACK TRIM!!!! I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I told him it was too small and I took it back and got one that was way nicer!
Love the bag and your blog is too cute.

Stacey - Elle Belle said...

Great fabric!
My worst gift was a knife sharpener... seems like that should be the hubby's job... I don't typically like assigning gender roles, but still... sharpening knives... why would I do that?!?

shawna said...

That is so pretty!

My worst gift? A sweater vest from an ex boyfriend that was jewled tone- that his ex helped pick out for me!

Jill said...

I love the bag! The worst present I have received would have to be the foul smelling perfume a few years ago!

Joanna said...

Worst present ever was from my old ailing great-aunt. I was 15 and she gave me a pair of toweling fabric underwear. That would have fit a 5 year old. Yeah it was pretty bad lol!!

two hippos said...

cute! I don't celebrate christmas but the worst holiday gift I received was socks that were ugly and too small.

HandbagsbyJen said...

I love the make up bag. My worst gift would be the pearl inlaid pool cue that i got from my husband our first Christmas. We didn't have a lot of money and he spent way to much on a stick! It ended up being returned

Stephanie said...

You know, I just so happen to need a new makeup bag. :) And I love Amy Butler.

I honestly can't think of the worst Christmas present I've ever gotten. However, with my birthday being only two days before Christmas (yes, lucky me, though it was pretty lucky because my birthday happens to be my dad's too!), I can remember the worst birthday gift I ever got. It was for my 14th birthday party. My friends mom got me a babydoll for a three year old. I never figured that one out.

Shannon said...

I love the fabric you used! The worst gift I have ever received... well my grandmother likes to just give us stuff she has sitting around the house, makes for some interesting gifts that sometimes dont even make it home.

Emily said...

Love that bag! As for my worst gift...I honestly can't think of one! Either that or I've repressed the memory. : )

no4daughter said...

The worst Christmas gift I ever received were mittens made out of dog hair that was hand spun. They were beautiful but when I used them to shovel snow, they smelled like wet dog. Yuck.

Sarah C said...

I was in a family gift exchange last year and there was a $25 dollar limit. My brother's girlfriend (now my SIL) drew me, and I got this little (palm sized) lip gloss container with a $5.99 sticker on the bottom. Thats it. It was interesting. Everyonen just sat there and when ohhh.

We are all waiting to see what happens this year.

But hey... I could put the lip gloss in the makeup pouch and it wouldnt be so bad..hehe

Unknown said...

Used books! I love your bag - so cute!

Fine Needle Aspiration said...

My worst christmas present ever was a bottle of aloe lotion. It was a very cute bottle with great ribbon that smelled amazingly of lavender. Unfortunately my roommate didnt know that I am allergic to aloe. :)

Naomi S. Adams said...

Love the bag. Ummmm, how about the year I got not 1, but 2 crock pots. :) Pretty lame-o.

Leslie said...

Wow my worst gift would have to be a green shag sweater. It was soft but oh so ugly!!
leslierose at gmail dot com

Katie R said...

so cute!

Theresa said...

I actually just got my worse Christmas present ever. A gift certificate from my MIL, with 3 other names scratched out on the card, and mine underneath, spelled wrong. She told me the next day that no one else wanted it, so she gave it to me. Merry Freaking Christmas.

Anonymous said...

what a cool bag!!

i can't say i've ever received too terrible of a present. my grandmother (who's passed on) used to pick out some really ugly clothes, but she meant well. i wish i had known how to sew back then because then at least i could have made something else out of them!

amy said...

my worst gift was a bottle of Avon perfume that my great aunt had been "saving" for ten years or greater. I was the eventual unlucky receiver of that stinky gift.

Anonymous said...

ooooh love your choice in colors! My worst christmas gift has to be the humongous eraser my brother gave me. Yes. and eraser the size of my ironing board. What the heck?? And it came with a lovely card which read: Dear sis, I thought I'd get you some new flatware for christmas this year...but then I figured you can buy your own bras!

I love my brother, yes I do.

nursecarter said...

The worst gift I ever received was an awful painted ceramic pitcher with the inside stuffed with even uglier artificial flowers and a plugin candle in the top. You can imagine the ugly from here right?:)

Michaela said...

Well, it was Wall mart pajama with snowmen and one blinking snowman on the chest.

sewhipbaby said...

For Christmas dinner my mother in law made a lentil casserole for me that I really loved. Well, thinking it must have become a tradition, I asked if it was the same that she had made the previous year. And much to my surprise, she said "Yes, in fact it's the same one from last year, I just got it out of the freezer." No one ate it after that!

Providence Handmade said...

I would have to say the jumbo pack of toilet paper from my grandma. She's all about the practical gifts. Love the bag - it's great!

whitney said...

Very cute idea.
Bad present, let me think...
that would have to be the very ugly sweater my a certain grandma knit me. Love her, but oh man I wouldn't be caught dead in it. I just felt so bad because I am sure she spent a lot of time on it!
I'm in Canada, but I can ship to the states.

Wendy said...

Great bag! Love the fabric. My worst gift was a candle in the shape of a rabbit.

Twyla said...

Worst gift ever. Growing up we always had a gift exchange with the family (extended relatives) each person brought a gift and we drew numbers to see who picked a pakage first. My turn came around and I picked this adorably wrapped package with lots of pink and purple on the wrapping with a big pink bow. I opened it and I became the proud owner of a mens shaving kit and nose hair trimmer. As a 16 yr old girl, I was mortified.

Doris said...

Love this bag! Worst gift, probably appliqued (store-bought, mind you) angel tea towels. 1) I don't DO tea towels, 2) angels? 3) I'm a crafter, don't buy me store-bought, mass produced "craft" items! But I digress...

Rose said...

That's hilarious! My worst must have been when an aunt bought me a ridiculously large bag of cotton wool... at least it was useful! And my brother also once bought me a boxset of bollywood DVDs, despite my never having expressed any interest in the genre...

MichelleB said...

OMG! These were hysterical. Thanks for asking people to post these. That one by SewHipBaby - I was rolling! You don't have to enter me, I just wanted to say thanks for the chuckle! I'll be back to read more!

Unknown said... childhood Christmases weren't exciting because I was raised in foster homes and passed among extended family. One year I had one present under the tree and I was SSSOOO beside myself that I couldn't wait and very carefully opened it to find the ugliest dress you can imagine. On Christmas I had to act surprised and happy. I can still remember that horrid dress.

I feel bad for the gal who got a sweatshirt with BRAT written on it. Maybe we could've swapped???

kellyn2girls1boy said...

I don't think that I have ever gotten a terrible Christmas present, maybe the worst was when I got a sweatshirt from my grandma when I was a kid. I was about ten and it had an antique looking teddy bear on it. But getting a present from her is a good thing.

Loralynn said...

My Mother-in-law bought me socks. Nothing else (not that I expected anything in the first place). Just two pair of basic, nothing special, kinda ugly, socks. Now if I had needed them, or she just couldn't do anything else (my in-laws have money!), I would have been greatful...but plain black socks...I don't think so...

I love your bag! Just darling!

deliarose said...

I was in a gift swap, which was a white elephant one, and got 3 rusty hubcaps! Merry Christmas! LOL! (I did use them to decorate my dorm room. Gotta love the college days!)

Bobbie - Clumsy Crafter said...

My dad gave me a pink belt for christmas one year. That was it. Just a pink belt. I'm not sure why.

Valerie said...

Sad to say, DH got me an ironing board one year. He actually wrapped it and put it under the tree, of course I knew immediately what it was, duh.

Katy said...

Lovely bag! I love the fabric!

My worst gift... was a nightlight with a cute flowery lampshade on it. I was 24 years old and had no children. I didn't think I needed a night light at the time. LOL The person who gave it to me is pretty good at getting me odd gifts, too, so I'm a bit anxious to see what she's getting me this year.

Tiffany said...

LOVE Amy Butler!!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Ugh, my worst gift was a fake fur vest given to me by my creepy uncle. It definitely has become a gag gift that gets passed around our family!

Amanda said...

Beautiful bag! Worst gift? A pair of his/hers EXTRA large duffle bags that are basically useless to us...if you actually fill them up, they are impossible to lift!

Celeste said...

Probably a red-white-and-green striped knitted blanket from my grandma--yikes! :)

Madame FM said...

I love the bag!

Joni said...

My freshman year of college my parents gave me a huge box. I was so excited.

It was a humidifier because I'd been sick that fall and they were so worried I hadn't had one. Merry Christmas.

jonihaws at yahoo dot com

Dani said...

gorgeous bag. I've nver rceived a really awful gift but I am tired of getting the same bottle of moisturiser every single year from my sister.

Anonymous said...

The year I didn't get a gift at all because the giver never finished it in time ....

Sally said...

The worst gift...hmm...well, my friend gave me this really tacky Christmas tree "basket" that was made of a metal frame covered with what seemed to be green holiday decorated panty hose!

Tina said...


Debra said...

Worst gift.....a beanie baby that was second hand. It was dirt and smelly...ewwww

Tina said...

i can't think of a single gift i haven't just loved (maybe i'm blocking the terrible experience out of my memory!) cute bag!

Sara said...

That is a tough one. The worst gift that I can actually remember is a gold lame 80s style purse when it was SO not in fashion, a few years ago. And whether in fashion or not, gold lame is so not me! Love the makeup bag.

Anonymous said...

Worst gift: fushia pull over sweater from my MIL. It was completely not me and she knew it, but just bought it to buy it. I opened it and she promptly gave me the receipt.

Camellia said...

My grandma gave me plaid pajamas once with a skunk on them that said "Stinker!" on it. Thanks grandma!

Rhyah-- said...

Worst that I can remember is an obvious re-gift from my MIL of a bath and body gift basket that she complained to me about!

Janet said...

the worst gift i ever got was a pair of XXL pajamas from my little brother. i wear an M. :)

love the bag!

Erica said...

The worst gift was a pair of sweatpants that was 2X when I wore a Medium. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't from my grandmother who always loved to make comments about how fat I was. Grr.

SandyQuilts said...

Hand lotion, yes I was given hand lotion. I love Amy B.'s fabric and could use the bag. thanks.

BeachGirl said...

I can't remember anything truly horrendous. My grandmother tried to knit us stuff and it never came out well. My mom made us wear whatever it was whenever my grandmother was around. I do remember getting a doll one year when I was 13. I was a tomboy so hated dolls at any age.

Sarah said...

cute bag! my worst Christmas gift was probably this really, really ugly sweatshirt from my aunt... but it's the thought that counts, right?

pigbook1 said...

I don't know... maybe the gift card that had no money on it

Lisa said...

My worst gift was a USED "free gift with purchase" bag from Bath and Body Works...with a q-tip rolling around in the bottom of it. Seriously, you can't make that stuff up!

Katherine said...

I'd have to say the worst gift I have received was...a windchime I had given given to the person 2 years prior....

WendyLou said...

My brother gave me an ice scraper for my car windshield once when we were in college. Not all togther unthoughtful, except that we lived in Louisiana!! We saw snow maybe one day a year. Maybe. He bought my sister a tire guage. Though he would never admit it, we're pretty sure he did all of his holiday shopping at the check out counter of an auto supply store.

Meredith said...

What a lovely bag! Hmm... the worst gift? Definitely the scratchy wool sweater I had a reaction to.

Texastiger said...

I posted earlier but I don't think the post went through, so I am trying again. Not trying to double post.

Cool giveaway. Hope I win.

My worst x'mas gift was a sweater from a relative. It was way too big and a man's sweater (but I am not a man).

Happy holidays

Moira-Lin said...

I would love that! My worst gift was probably pots and pans. Sure I needed them, but NOT for Christmas! I had to laugh when I read the top ramen story. :) He didn't want you to go hungry!

CalvaryGirl said...

You know I honestly cannot think of a "worst" Christmas present! I've gotten gifts in the past I didn't use much, but they were well meant. I love that bag!! Hopefully I'll win it, and if I do, you can contact me through my blog or at clwendy at yahoo dot com.

Kali said...

Imagine sitting in your Mother-in-law's living room. You're seated next to your loud and boisterous sister-in-law. There is a large box presented to you. You've already been told by your husband that this is supposed to be a faerie. You collect fae so you're understandably excited. The paper is torn off the gift. You open the box and bring out a lamp. Now, the lamp does have a faerie on it but she is ugly. She is holding an egg shaped pearl and is surrounded by flowers. Each flower has a pistil that is flesh colored and has a golden tip. Sister-in-law, in a loud whisper, "it's a penis!"

Sadly, she was right...

Rather Be Whistling said...

What a pretty bag! My worst Christmas gift was an stationary bike my parents bought me because they thought I was too fat. I think I might have been eleven or twelve. Riding a stationary bike didn't sound like fun. Had they gotten my a rowing machine I would have been ok with it. I loved rowing. The your sister gets this great gift and you get this so you can loose weight message was really what made it bad.

Last Word said...

Love Amy Butler fabric!

Hippie Family... said...

my worst present was not given to me it was FROM Me.. I didn't have a lot of money one year so I made all my friends chocolate covers spoons, got them all coffee mugs and tied up the spoons with pretty foil with sparkles and put some candles and chocolates in the mug and my one friend told me I was cheep and I should have just given her the cash...

Linda said...

Socks....every year from a well meaning aunt.

Love the make up bag :)


MamaDuck said...

That bag is so darn cute! I can't think of a really awful Xmas gift, I guess it would have to be a personalized ornament from my Mom. It was still wet when she packed it so it got all goopy and gross. Thanks for the chance to win!

Bethany said...

I got a fake denim bean bag chair. I had no interest in it. My parents had gotten me confused with my little sister who had wanted the chair. I love the bag!

netsr said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Worst present....Hmmmm maybe it's a good sign that I seriously have no idea. Hmmm?

I love the makeup bag! It is so much prettier than what I have right now. :)

Jenn said...

beautiful bag!
the worst gift I got was a hat crocheted by my mom...she liked the style, I, to this day hate it...don't know what ever happened to that hat, might be back in her possession from when my stuff went into storage during college :)

deborah said...

my worst was a broach (sp?) that was a gold coloured cat with gems for eyes. I hated it!

Kathy said...

Wow, this is so beautiful. I love it.

My worst Christmas present....a necklace that was totally not my style at ALL. I received the receipt with it, so I was able to return it.

Keri said...

My family does a 35-40 dollar Secret Santa. What did I get?

Some hot chocolate in WEIRD flavors.
Gourmet marshmallows which were GROSS.
And a huge box of Cheezits. CHEEZITS! For Christmas!

I'm still a little bitter but it has become the family joke. People felt so badly for me that they wanted to buy me make up gifts!

Stacy said...

I was given an ugly crystal crab on a mirror. Ugh! I know to crystal collectors this may be nice, but I am a sewer and a cook with not a fancy bobble displayed in the house anywhere! I love the bag!

Julianne said...

My worst is NOTHING from my husband. He asked me what I wanted, I told him nothing, and he BELIEVED ME!?! Can’t he read my mind? Now he gets a detailed list, or better yet, I buy it and tell him what he got me!!

I would love to win!!


MB said...

the worst holiday gift I've ever received was a rotisserie machine when I was in *high school* wtf?!

Anonymous said...

So pretty! Thanks for the chance!

Sarah said...

Really pretty fabric!

Worst memory ever was the year my mom was really sick on Christmas eve and she went to bed really early. To entertain ourselves my brother and I somehow managed to watch Quest For Fire, the least christmas-y movie EVER.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Worst gift was an ugly sweater that did not fit from my mother in law.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

RachelJ said...

My worst Christmas gift was little kids' wash-off nail polish. I was 14.
Love the colors of that bag.

Millissa said...

So cute, thanks for the chance to win!

beagoodmom said...

I never got a really bad gift. I guess I am lucky....or else this is my year. Yipes. Love the bag.

Anne said...

Very Pretty! I can't really think of a worst Christmas gift. But thanks for the giveaway!

woolybooger said...

Love the colors of the bag.

My worst gift was a ansel adams calendar from my boyfriend. I was disappointed it wasn't something more personal.

Karin said...

Every year, MIL buys me something to "keep me warm" - heated slippers, plug in car blanket, etc. Not bad, but I just don't understand why I need it!

Adorable bag! Thanks for sharing!

l said...

XL lime green pants (and I am a size S). The top was size small, but the pants did not fit!

Melissa said...

worst present is tough... maybe the black velvet painting made by the sister of the friend who gifted it?

Mamasoo said...

The worst Christmas gift? Never! I cherish everything that's given to me! And if I happen NOT to like it, the recipient gets it back a few years later!

Pick me, Monty!

lao80 said...

First year married the in-laws gave me lincon logs. wtf?

Jodie said...

non-stick silpat mats. lame.


debra lynn said...

That is adorable! I think the worst gift I ever received was a workout t-shirt with my name embroidered on it. What 27 yr old wants to go to the gym with her name on her shirt? It was 10 years ago and I still remember!

Leslie said...

How cute is that! My worse present has to be the year I came downstairs to see two shiny new bikes. I thought one was for me and one for my sister. But no one was for my sister, one for my mom and I got a down comforter. They must have thought I was always cold. Not the gift one expects at 14. Although I still have the comforter so that's saying something.

Apryl said...

Great Giveaway! Nice to meet you! You can see my giveaway here:


Brooke said...

hahaha! This make-up bag, if I had gotten one would be in the top. . . not the bottom. My sweet sister gave me soap on a rope one year. I thought it was hilarious!

Ali said...

There really are too many giveaways for one day!

Beautiful giveaway!

My worst gift was a big, very breakable lamp with a marble base that my mother in law gave me for the nursery of our brand new firstborn... I am a naturally clumsy person, so it never made it out of the box.

Anonymous said...

oh, dear, I JUST wrote a comment exactly like this one and just don't have the energy to do it again. So, in a nutshell: My very worst gift was the same year my parents had virtually no money. It sucked. But they tried hard, and I've never told them how much it sucked because I know how very hard they tried.

Sarah DeSalvo said...

Adorable! LOVE the bag!
junglewife (at) gmail (dot) com

lesleyandsara said...

the worst christmas gift i've ever received was food poisoning! lesley

Sarah DeSalvo said...

Whoops, forgot to leave my worst Christmas gift. I think it was an egyptian necklace with my name on it in egyptian letters. Great thought, but man it was ugly and I just couldn't stand wearing it!
One of the winners is from my mom, though. When she was growing up, her mom bought her a t-shirt (because it was on sale and she couldn't pass up a bargain!) that said "Drano - try a bowl for breakfast" Ha! We STILL laugh about that one!
junglewife (at) gmail (dot) com

AM said...

I can't really remember a worst Christmas gift, but I got upset every birthday fore years when certain grandparents always sent me junior-ish cards.

sarah said...

I love the bag.
My sister gave me erasers one year for christmas. Three, tiny erasers.

Ginny said...

oh wow, ramen for christmas, yikes, lol. I can just imagine the disappointment. I'm not sure what my worst gift was. This really isn't a bad gift, but one year my mom got me a white tv stand for my bedroom. I was older, so I didn't get many gifts. I was devastated. Turned out my mom thought I'd be exited about it & look inside. There was a gorgeous ring on the inside of it. I was at that new teenage age though.

liz said...

the bag is beautiful!

worst gift - my dad sent me a jacket that had cranberry and forest green llamas on it. hideous.

Tiffany said...

Great bag! Hmmm...bad gifts. I would have to say a pair of really homely slippers that weren't even close to my size.

Cheryl said...

My worst gift was a bowling ball that opened up and inside it was a set of shot glasses. It was so tacky that it was almost kitchy.
Beautiful bag with great fabric!

Busy Nothings said...

cute bag...the worst gift I ever received was some jewelry that turned me green that same day from wearing it!! Talk about quality!

Jen B said...

An electric wet/dry razor from my parents.

Kelly said...

Oh, how cute. I love it!

annalea said...

my high school/college boyfriend boughht me a pair of magnolia bookends. don't sound bad in theory, but they were. my roommates tormented me with that memory for years. we broke up one month later.

Scrappinfor3 said...

You're not going to believe this. . but I actually got a starter kit for young women. . yup, kotex, tampons, pads, etc. . . . and I thought it was a joke but no, it was for real. Embarassing!!!!! I think I was 12 or something. NICE! LOVE this bag:)

erika~ the inspired mama said...

i got a case of hairspray when i was like 13 or 14... aqua net extra super hold... the pink and white can. funny! *sigh*

the make up bag is darling! i would put it to great use :) thanks!

katie said...

great bag. worst gift - i think i must have chosen to forget them, my husband has done a good job at getting me nothing and then bragging on gift he got for previous girlfriends. he is getting better though, really good last birthday, there is hope yet. i just want him to teach my boys better for the sake of their future wives.

Anonymous said...

my grandma gave me a set of mini toiletries that looked like it came from a hotel... I still wonder

Glenda said...

Love your gift! Much better than the year my husband gave me a large bath scale, a jump rope and hand weights. Needless to say, he never made that mistake again!

evilactionfigure said...

The worst gift I've evergotten. My sil gave me a half used tin of lip gloss one Christmas.

c said...


The worst gift I got was the year the only thing I wanted was an American Doll, but instead I got sneakers... I was so upset! Even more upset when my little SISTER got one the following year.

Erika said...

most rencently - an oufit from my MIL in size XS (and at the time I could squeeze into a L on a good day) from a store that didnt' take returns or exchanges.

anna w said...

I love the makeup bag! What cute fabric!

I can't really think of a hands-down worst gift ever (although I've had some very odd ones, most from Aunts and Uncles that live in other states), but I have a story that involves a Christmas gift:

Christmas Eve, my big brother was finishing up a Christmas present (turned out it was mine!) - my name carved in wood (he did it all by hand!). He was almost done, when his hand slipped and he cut his arm rather badly. He had to go to the emergency room and everything. I felt so guilty, but definitely appreciated my handmade gift!

marcela said...

(second try to post. don't know what happened)

I love the fabric and the design. Thanks for sharing.


mub said...

Shampoo... for dyed hair. I don't die my hair, and I think she just grabbed it out of her pantry. I said thank you and donated it to someone who would get better use of it *L*

Jessica said...

I don't have an exact "worst gift". I have those gifts that you open and you're like "oh, that's so practical" Those are the worst!

Nancy said...

I love that bag-the fabric is great. My worst present was a stuffed animal given to me as a teen by a boyfriend that was dirty(it looked like a child had sucked on it). Guess i meant alot to him!

Liesl said...

Congratulations! You have won a "Make your own shower cap" kit in my "Sew Mama Sew" giveaway. Would you be able to send me your postage details? (There is an e-mail address on my blog).

Thanks for visiting my blog and entering the competition!

Tonya said...

I can't remember a worst Christmas gift. How lucky of me!!!! Would love to win.

RubyJunes said...

what a neat bag--love the fabrics!

Hard to decide which gift over the years has been the worst--perhaps the year that I got TIRES for my car--yes, as a teenager I needed them, but it was pretty disappointing! lol

Ellen said...

The pink knit bell bottoms in junior high...

Sharon said...

your bag is so cute!

the worst present i received was body wash set with a coupon in it that had expired two years earlier. i guess it had sat in the regifting bin too long!

Ellen said...

One year my godmother gave me two boxes of coin wrappers! To make it all the funnier, she gave the same gift to my sister and all 4 of her children. To this day we have no clue why!

Breanna S. said...

gorgeous bag thanks for a change to win.

Maggie said...

I was given a red sweatshirt with Christmas teddy bears on it in white puff paint. Ick.

Thank you for the chance at your giveaway and have a great holiday.

FeatherBunkle said...

I hate to sound ungrateful, but my worst gift ever came right around the time I was 13 or 14 years old. I was a nerd and a bookworm (translate: not athletic, barely enjoyed seeing the light of day) and I got a bike for Christmas. Which might have been cool but it was red and white with NEON ORANGE brake lines. I think I rode it once or twice to make my folks happy but I actually stuck to my Dad's old racing bicycle (which was WAY too big for me) if I HAD to ride a bike to the store or something.

Megan said...

hahaha Ramen. I can't look at it after 4 years of college either!

I can't remember a horrible gift like that. But my mother in law got a mens shirt that said "Animal Lover" (her husband is hairy, as is her son... haha). She wasn't very happy!

Please enter me!

Karin said...

That is such a cute bag!! My worst present ever was this plastic backpack for like a 10 year old, but I was 16!

Hooray for cute things!

karbare14 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

Oh, count me in!

Chuck & Chels said...

Oh I LOVE it! amy butler fabric is one of my favorites!

Heidi said...

Firstly I love the bag - beautiful fabric choices.

As for the worst gift – 1/3 of a king size Mars Bar. My brother who would have been about 10 spent all his Christmas money on “muscle men” for himself and then realized he didn’t have enough money to buy gifts. His solution was to buy a group gift – one king size mars bar wrapped up under the tree with all our names on it. He still gets tormented about it to this day (some 20+ years later!!)

PrincessMax said...

My mother has never been one for wrapping. Once we got old enough, she gave it up entirely and just started twisting the top of the TJ Maxx bag closed, then demanding it back so she could give out the next gift. :-) I love this about my mother.

however, when I was 8 or 9, this characteristic led her to wrap and try to just remember whose was whose. As a result my younger brother got both a stuffed pig AND a stuff beaver puppet and I got neither. It wasn't until he was carrying them around my grandmother's the next day that she realized her mistake and relieved my jealousy.

A cute little make-up bag might relieve my pain. :-)

Mal said...

oh - my mother in laws gifts are the best and worst - very hit and miss. the worst one was a gift basket full of lavendar scented lotions and soaps. she completely forgot that I absolutely HATE lavendar.

Jenn said...

cheese--in my stocking--left overnight...nice...

luke and pamela said...

my hubby gave me beef jerky last year. A BAG OF BEEF JERKY. i wish i could explain it but i am still a bit puzzled myself...

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous purse!! Much better than the tight, scratchy, poop colored sweater I got one year!

Annie said...

My worst Christmas present I ever received was an old knock-off Barbie doll. You know...the ones that were hollow and had a stiped bathing suit on.

I was younger and had asked for a quilt from my grandma. The rest of the kids all received nice toys and cute baby dolls. I guess she was mad that I had asked for a quilt. :)

Nichole said...

Worst gift ever was a nasty walmart turtleneck with holly berries on it. It was so tacky even a 90 year old grandma wouldn't have worn it. It was from an aunt who I had only met a couple of times. Nice thought, bad gift.

Your bag, however, is a cute gift I would love to have!

Emily said...

My husband and I received a picture that you plug into the wall and it is animated...not our cup of tea!

adamandem at yahoo dot com

Molly said...

My worst gift was an ugly blue purse when I was 12, and did not like purses. I love this makeup bag however, it is in my favorite colors!

Karissa said...

Oh wow, your bag is gorgeous! My worst gift was two years ago: a sweater and turtleneck set from my mom. They had snowmen on them. It would've been fine if I were a 2nd grade teacher, but I was 25, living in Boston, and working in publishing! (and working with a bunch of dudes who would've made so much fun of me!) It was the only time I took back a gift from her, but it hat do be done.

Broe said...

Wow, my worst gift for Christmas was from my Mother-in-law after the birth of my new baby. She gave me a tombstone picture frame with our pictures in it! It even had a broken rose on it! I was so offended until I realized it was just because she was cheap bought it on sale and didn't realize what it was. Oh there were some hurt feelings for a while though!

Love Amy Butler fabric! Pick me!

Unknown said...

I was totally embarrassed when my mother bought me bras from the thrift store for Christmas one year -- I was just starting to wear them, and I opened them in front of my siblings, and they were ugly... I still feel embarrased!

crazydavises at gmail dot com

LeAnn said...

The worst Christmas gift I've ever received? You know, that's tough. Maybe it was the "deer" pillow that hubby's gmil gave us. It looked a lot like the pillow that one the "ugliest pillow" contest on Yikes!

The bag is adorable, and I'd love a chance to win?

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