And by unexpected, I mean I had scoured the upstairs of our house of all traces of cat before we left.
I washed and put away the food bowl and made sure his favorite toy was out of sight. It would be too sad to see when I walked back in later without him.
His doctor didn't think he was suffering, and that was a relief.
But this morning, when I fed him, his hind legs went out from behind him, leaving him splayed on the floor. I helped him back up and he finished his breakfast.
We're on borrowed time, but I'll take it.
1 comment:
Oh, I'm so sorry you all have to go through this. I'm tearing up thinking about how hard this decision is. I went through it with my beloved cat Eli, almost 2 years ago, and the pain is still there. I had him my entire adult life, before marriage, before kids. Through the divorce and the miscarriages, the job changes and the losses of friends and family members. His collar and ID tag are on a statue of a cat in the living room.
I know you'll make the right decision when the time comes, and you'll know when the time comes. Sending hugs your way.
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