I have a hard time parting with things, especially when they once belonged to family members who have gone on to reap their heavenly rewards.
Just ask my husband. He's been cursing this monstrosity for a couple of years because it takes up his valuable garage space. I don't know what I'll eventually do with it, but it definitely doesn't involve the one-way trip to Goodwill that some less-sentimental souls have suggested.
I wish I could say my collection was just limited to the car, but one look at my basement would blow my cover. It houses a slew of items that I just don't know what to do with.
Here's an example.
I have a bag of musty old fabric that I took about 10 years ago when my grandma died. Grandpa was going to throw it away or donate it or something. Since then, it's been stored in various attics of the places we've lived before coming to rest in the basement of our current home.
Mostly, the bag contains polyester. Grandma was probably going to turn it into some pants.
But there's hope that it might slowly leave my basement in a more dignified manner than the back of the garbage truck. I found a really neat website full of easy crafts and simple instructions.
I've spent the last two days turning the red polyester into these:
I've got at least eight yards of this stuff. So family, like it or not, you'll be getting an eyeglass case. If you don't wear glasses (which I'm pretty sure excludes most Donaghues), you'll have to find another use for it. Might work as a cover for your butcher knife or a tail-warmer for a dog or something.